Sindbad has always dreamed of sailing to the great island of Madagascar where there is said to be glorious treasures no man could even dream of. He knew this journey would be great and did not want to bring a crew of merchants to share his treasures with, instead he brings his apprentence Fred. They sail off at the crack of dawn on what was thought to be a glorious day, little did Sindbad know the weather would take a turn for the worst in an instant. Sindbad's ship sailed quickly through the still ocean and by noon they were ahead of schedule and nearing a island they had never seen before. As they sailed nearer, the weather became worse and worse with waves rising a hundred feet high or more and a sleet rain mix pelted the ship and poor little Fred too. Unexpectedly, lighting struck the ships tallest mast causing it to come crashing down destroying everything in its path. Sindbad and Fred narrowly escaped the crushing pillar and jumped over board praying Allah would grant them safe passage to the island. Lucky for them they washed up on shore with little more than a few bumps and bruises. No sooner had they washed ashore were they pelted with lime green coconuts. They searched frantically for their attackers, but were alarmed to see the coconuts zooming through the air on their own! Little did they know the coconuts where actually being thrown by pirate ninjas who were far too skilled to be seen. Little Fred booked it to the nearest hideout and fell in a trap! Sindbad ran to save his little apprentence, but was captured and hung upside down by his toes from an orange cactus. Fred sat in the hole to rot and they were never seen again.