Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A Problem Summary
The very candid Sasha forged and IOU to the bank and didn't repay it in time. His uncles were fighting about whether he was reprehensible or not; he waited outside the room. Sasha waited there wearily and tranquilly. His uncle Ivan believe Sasha should get off with a warning and Ivan asserted this idea to the rest of the family. Ivan hoped that by not sending Sasha to jail it would be edifying to him. Sasha's other uncle seemingly thought of Sasha as paltry. In the end Sasha's other uncle (not Ivan) was indulgence [that doesn't sound right] and gave into Ivan by not letting the Sasha's matter go to trial.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
A Problem Questions
1. At the end of the story Ivan probably feels like a moron because he tried so hard to convince everyone to give Sasha and chance and then Sasha turns around and asks to borrow more money. The problem is that Sasha borrowed money and didn't repay it on time.
3. Sasha is a good guy of sorts. He doesn't feel guilty about what he does he just feels tired and empty. He's a criminal.
4. Ivan Markovitch doesn't understand Sasha very well. He feels bad because of the stuff Sasha had to deal with in his past, but Sasha's past is not an excuse for what he did.
5. At the end when Sasha says, "I see that I am a criminal" I think he's coming to realize that what he did was actually wrong even though he had planned on paying the money back once some one else had loaned him the money they were supposed to.
7. I think Sasha would have gone to Siberia and liked it.
8. Today, people go into debt because they feel the need to have the best of everything so they slide their shiny credit cards without thinking and then don't have enough money to pay for all the nice new stuff they bought.
3. Sasha is a good guy of sorts. He doesn't feel guilty about what he does he just feels tired and empty. He's a criminal.
4. Ivan Markovitch doesn't understand Sasha very well. He feels bad because of the stuff Sasha had to deal with in his past, but Sasha's past is not an excuse for what he did.
5. At the end when Sasha says, "I see that I am a criminal" I think he's coming to realize that what he did was actually wrong even though he had planned on paying the money back once some one else had loaned him the money they were supposed to.
7. I think Sasha would have gone to Siberia and liked it.
8. Today, people go into debt because they feel the need to have the best of everything so they slide their shiny credit cards without thinking and then don't have enough money to pay for all the nice new stuff they bought.
Monday, June 6, 2011
A Problem
A problem is a great title for this story because that's what it is, a problem; a problem to understand. I believe the story is about Sasha who forges an IOU note or something like that and one uncle things he should be charged and go to jail, while the other thinks he should be let off with a warning, but if he does it again he should go to jail. In the end Sasha's isn't sent to jail. I'm not sure if this is correct so I didn't want to add vocabulary just in case I was wrong, but I added the vocabulary to the bottom so you'd know I did look at it.
candid (adj.) - frank; blunt; straightforward
convention (n.) - a social custom
indulgence (n.) - a giving in to someone's wishes or desires
paltry (adj.) insignificant; almost worthless
inextricably (adv.) - in a way that one cannot get out of
reprehensible (adj.) - deserving of blame
dissipated (adj.) - participating excessively in sensual or foolish pleasures
tranquilly (adv.) - calmly; peacefully
edifying (adj.) - intended to improve morally; instructing
assert (v.) - to express forcefully and positively
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A Doll's House Act Two
1. My impression of Nora hasn't changed at all. I still find her annoying and I don't like her. Nora tried to prevent Torvald from finding out her secret by begging him to keep Krogstad on so Krogstad wouldn't tell Nora. Krogstad wanted his letter to scare Nora. Mrs. Linde thinks she can help Nora by giving her advice.
3. The miracle might be Torvald not finding out about Nora's secret.
6. If Nora accepted help from Dr. Rank Torvald may have checked his mail and found the letter.
7. What is "Federigo's Falcon?
8. I think people can learn that if you treat your woman the way Torvald does you're gonna lose her, at least i most cases.
3. The miracle might be Torvald not finding out about Nora's secret.
6. If Nora accepted help from Dr. Rank Torvald may have checked his mail and found the letter.
7. What is "Federigo's Falcon?
8. I think people can learn that if you treat your woman the way Torvald does you're gonna lose her, at least i most cases.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
A doll's house Act One
1. As I finished Act One my only thoughts were "I wish Nora would stop being so annoying." Torvald and Nora have recently received the news that Torvald has been made manager of the bank. Nora got the money for Italy from Krogstag. Krogstag threatens Nora because Torvald is firing him and he has blackmail against her so why not.
3. Nora treats Torvald as a king, but is disobedient when she can be, as long as he doesn't find out. Torvald treats Nora like a child that can't control herself.
4. I don't think Nora has any strengths. I think her weaknesses are her spending habits and her annoyance levels.
6. ...I have no idea...
7. Their close mindedness, their complex lives, their worries and problems, and a great many other things.
3. Nora treats Torvald as a king, but is disobedient when she can be, as long as he doesn't find out. Torvald treats Nora like a child that can't control herself.
4. I don't think Nora has any strengths. I think her weaknesses are her spending habits and her annoyance levels.
6. ...I have no idea...
7. Their close mindedness, their complex lives, their worries and problems, and a great many other things.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Nora is a "spendthrift" she loves spending money and has ever since she was younger. She is a "sweet little lark" and obedient to her husband like all women of the time were. In my opinion she's really annoying. There's just something about her that annoys the living daylight out of me. I don't know what to say about Nora, she's a shopaholic, obedient, and annoying like you wouldn't believe. Finally, her only purpose in life is to please her family.
Nora is a "spendthrift" she loves spending money and has ever since she was younger. She is a "sweet little lark" and obedient to her husband like all women of the time were. In my opinion she's really annoying. There's just something about her that annoys the living daylight out of me. I don't know what to say about Nora, she's a shopaholic, obedient, and annoying like you wouldn't believe. Finally, her only purpose in life is to please her family.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Half a Day--School Memory
Step up day, commonly referred to as the scariest day of my life; scarier even then the first day of middle school. I arrived at school early with my brother wearing God knows what and a hideous green and yellow purse. In my purse I had EVERYTHING, from paper and pens to a toothbrush; I had to be prepared, you never know what might happen in middle school. We were each given our own schedules and had to follow the seventh graders to their classes, sounds simple enough right? WRONG! I couldn't find anyone with the same schedule as me nor could I find anyone with the same class, I had to run all around the school on my own to find the classes I was supposed to be in. At the end of the day i was exhausted and not too excited for middle school.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Apartheid in South Africa
Between 1948 and 1994 South Africa ran under a legal system of racial segregation called apartheid. The rights of the non-white inhabitants, who also happened to be the majority were oppressed and dominated whereas the whites and minority continued their rule. There were many laws prohibiting non-whites from doing a multitude of things including, not being able to marry a white person, where non-whites were allowed to live, and separation between races in all public places.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Amnesty--A Daughter's Diary
Dear diary,
Although I only met my father for the first time when I was six, I knew a lot about him. Mother often told me stories of what he did and why he wasn't home, she even showed me a picture of him. Even though I didn't really understand why he wasn't with us, I knew he'd be home soon and I knew I'd love him. Now that I look back, I've never had much of a relationship with my father, since he's rarely ever home and when he is he's always working. I'm proud of my father for everything he has and continues to do to help us gain freedom, but I wish his work didn't have to interfere with our relationship.. a girl needs her father around to love her and help her as she grows up. I wish he hadn't missed my first years of life or all the time he's missed due to work, but I know it's for the greater good and I'm just glad he's alive.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sindbad's Next Great Adventure!!!

Sindbad has always dreamed of sailing to the great island of Madagascar where there is said to be glorious treasures no man could even dream of. He knew this journey would be great and did not want to bring a crew of merchants to share his treasures with, instead he brings his apprentence Fred. They sail off at the crack of dawn on what was thought to be a glorious day, little did Sindbad know the weather would take a turn for the worst in an instant. Sindbad's ship sailed quickly through the still ocean and by noon they were ahead of schedule and nearing a island they had never seen before. As they sailed nearer, the weather became worse and worse with waves rising a hundred feet high or more and a sleet rain mix pelted the ship and poor little Fred too. Unexpectedly, lighting struck the ships tallest mast causing it to come crashing down destroying everything in its path. Sindbad and Fred narrowly escaped the crushing pillar and jumped over board praying Allah would grant them safe passage to the island. Lucky for them they washed up on shore with little more than a few bumps and bruises. No sooner had they washed ashore were they pelted with lime green coconuts. They searched frantically for their attackers, but were alarmed to see the coconuts zooming through the air on their own! Little did they know the coconuts where actually being thrown by pirate ninjas who were far too skilled to be seen. Little Fred booked it to the nearest hideout and fell in a trap! Sindbad ran to save his little apprentence, but was captured and hung upside down by his toes from an orange cactus. Fred sat in the hole to rot and they were never seen again.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Dialog in Dialect
Gangster Boy: yo sexy wassup
Just a random girl: umm.. nothing
GB: tht's wats up! wanna go for a ride mammi
G: uhh.. no thank you
GB: come on baby lets get outta here
G: No. Thank. You.
GB: n wen we get ta my crib i can get ur sexii bootay outta those jeans
G: Excuse me?
GB: u heard me babe, y dont u get ur fine a** ova here so we can leavee
G: I'm not going anywhere with you
GB: yo girl lets peace
G: Okay Bye! (turns to leave)
GB: yo thats wack
G: (turns back around) Excuse me what did you just say
GB: you deaf babe i said you wack
G: Wow why don't you tell me how you really feel
GB: i wanna get u outta those clothes and f*** u!
G: *mouth drops*
GB: come on babe
G: **runs away**
Just a random girl: umm.. nothing
GB: tht's wats up! wanna go for a ride mammi
G: uhh.. no thank you
GB: come on baby lets get outta here
G: No. Thank. You.
GB: n wen we get ta my crib i can get ur sexii bootay outta those jeans
G: Excuse me?
GB: u heard me babe, y dont u get ur fine a** ova here so we can leavee
G: I'm not going anywhere with you
GB: yo girl lets peace
G: Okay Bye! (turns to leave)
GB: yo thats wack
G: (turns back around) Excuse me what did you just say
GB: you deaf babe i said you wack
G: Wow why don't you tell me how you really feel
GB: i wanna get u outta those clothes and f*** u!
G: *mouth drops*
GB: come on babe
G: **runs away**
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Civil Peace
1. Jonathan is respectable and optimistic.
He exchanges the Biafrin money for Nigerian money.
This money was stolen.
3. The story is optimistic and shows that Jonathan appreciates what he has.
His family is important to him and he supports them before, during, and after the war.
When he deals with the thieves he is calm.
Jon says that losing the money isn't a big deal; he didn't have it yesterday and he was doing fine, then he doesn't need it today.
4. Everything happens for a reason.
5. It says that ordinary civilians had to fend for themselves and somehow they made it.
7. If Jon was in Obi's position in "Dead Men's Path" he would have handled the conflict with the priest a lot better. He would have listened and probably solved the conflict.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Michael Obi's Job Performance Evaluation
Compromising Skills: Epic Fail [F---]
Enthusiasm: Dude Chill. (you're jumping over the moon with all that enthusiasm) [A++++]
Leadership: Eh Not Too Bad [C]
Keeping School Maintained: Wow.... Major Fail [F---]
Kindness: Dunderhead. [D]
Communication Skills: Needs Major Improvement [D]
Comprehension: Needs A New Brain; Comprehends Nothing [F]
Listening Skills: They Are Nonexistent [F--]
I would not be proud of these marks on my evaluation.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Dead Men's Path
1. After the supervisor files his report I think Michael Obi will be fired.
The path that goes through the school grounds connects the village shrine with their place of burial.
After Obi refuses to reopen the passage the school's grounds ruined.
2. I think the villagers were both justified and not in their actions because they had a right to be mad at Obi for closes a path that is extremely important to them, but they have no right in destroying the school property.
3. Michael Obi's performance as headmaster of the village school receives a 7 out of 10 from me because he had good ideas, was enthusiastic, seems to care about the students, but he doesn't care about the villagers' beliefs, and he creates huge amounts of tension between the school and the village.
5. The relationship between Michael Obi and his wife Nancy is newly wedish. Nancy wants to help and please Michael; she even picks up on some of his habits and be.liefs.
6. I don't think anything would have happened to the school grounds if the young village woman had not died.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The Ramayana
Rama fighting Ravana
1. I don't have a reaction to the battle between Rama and Ravana. Rama and Ravana use bows and arrows, but also supernatural powers. Rama used the Brahmasthra, invoked all its power, and sent it at Ravana's heart; his most vulnerable spot. Rama treated Ravana with honor and respect after killing him.
2. I think Rama is able to defeat Ravana because Ravana is too full of rage to realize he hadn't strengthened his heart; he left a vulnerable spot and didn't stay level headed, therefore he was careless.
4. Rama respects others, even his enemies; gives Ravana a chance to heal after he fainted. Rama stays calm and level headed in times of war. After Rama kills Ravana he tells Ravana's brother to honor Ravana and cherish his memory. Rama's heroic code is to honor the dead, enemies or not, respect others, and stay level headed and calm at all times.
5. I don't think Ravana is heroic; I think he's short tempered and rather arrogant. Those are not heroic qualities.
7. Rama and Arjuna from the "Mahabarata" are both focused and level headed when necessary, for example when Arjuna must focus solely on his target that's all he sees, he is completely focused, as is Rama when he's fighting Ravana.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
New Year's Resolutions (epithet form ohh yeah!)
angela the:
1. waist shrinking woman
2. internal joy keeper
3. smiley cheerleader on off days
4. relaxed calm being
5. overcomer of the small petty things
6. confident owner of a license
7. hard working car owner
8. successful prom putter togetherer
9. genius with the straight a's
10. kind treater of Dee?
1. waist shrinking woman
2. internal joy keeper
3. smiley cheerleader on off days
4. relaxed calm being
5. overcomer of the small petty things
6. confident owner of a license
7. hard working car owner
8. successful prom putter togetherer
9. genius with the straight a's
10. kind treater of Dee?
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